Download TScalculator

Please send us your details as requested below and download your free Tidal Stream Planning Calculator (beta version) TScalculate.

Please note that a  manual plastic encapsulated version of the form can be purchased here 
(page opens in a new window).


The original download was an Excel application written using Excel 2011. The most recent version (March 2022) is compatible with the current version of Excel for Mac. You will need to have a licensed Excel version on your device to run the application. It should work correctly with any current versions of Excel.


TScalculate is suitable for Microsoft PC and AppleMac computers but is not currently developed for iPad or iPhones. reserves the right to continue to develop this beta application. The current TScalculate version is TScalc_3 _Ver 1.02.xlsm.

Prior to downloading the calculator and instructions for use, you will be asked to confirm your acceptance of The Terms of Use of the software, which you can view here (opens in new tab). Your email address will not be published.



(Click HERE to see Online instructions in your own language. Opens in new tab)


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